Thursday, July 30, 2009

Valleys of Sorrow

We received some devastating news yesterday.

I was teaching the Bible class for the older grades in Mitumba yesterday when I noticed that I had received a text message. When i was finished teaching, I opened the message to read it. It was from Elly. He works on our compound, and we have gotten to know him and his wife, Violet, and their two boys, Wesley and Timothy over the past months. His message just said, "HI MY WIFE IS DEAD".

Violet has died. We can hardly believe it. She has been so sick for many months, but the last time we saw her she was regaining her strength and seemed to be on the road to a full recovery. Then a few weeks ago Elly sent a message saying that she was sick again and to please pray for her.
And now she has died.

We are so sad for this family. Our hearts are breaking for Elly, and for his two young boys. We cannot even begin to imagine the pain they are going through and the struggles they are facing. We want to do everything we can, but it seems like nothing will be enough. We cannot bring Violet back. But what we can do is pray. And we can ask you to pray. So please, please, overwhelm Heaven with prayers for this young family. They need it.

There was a song playing in my head all day yesterday as I spent time alone in the clinic, processing the news. God used it to speak to me, and to give me hope and assurance of His love:

You have led me to the sadness
I have carried this pain
All my back bruised and nearly broken
I'm crying out to You

I will sing of Your mercy
That leads me through valleys of sorrow
To rivers of joy

When death like a gypsy
Comes to steal what I love
I will still look to the heavens
I will still seek your face

But I fear you aren't listening
Because there are no words
Just the stillness and the hunger
For a faith that is yours

I will sing of Your mercy
That leads me through valleys of sorrow
To rivers of joy

Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia

While we wait for rescue
With our eyes tightly shut
Face to the ground using our hands
To cover the fatal cut

Though the pain is an ocean
Tossing us around, around, around
You have calmed greater waters
Higher mountains have come down
(Jars of Clay)

May Elly experience rivers of joy after being led through this valley of sorrow by our mighty God. May he know that our God is in control, and that He has NOT forgotten about him and his sons. May he have full assurance that God is able to calm these waters and tear down these mountains. May he feel God's comfort, His presence, and His never-ending love. May he find peace in the midst of this valley of sorrow.

"The LORD is faithful to all His promises
and loving toward all He has made.
The LORD upholds all those who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed down.
The eyes of all look to You,
and You give them their food at the proper time.
You open Your hand
and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
The LORD is righteous in all His ways
and loving toward all He has made.
The LORD is near to all who call on Him,
to all who call on Him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him;
He hears their cry and saves them.
The LORD watches over all who love Him,
but all the wicked He will destroy.
My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD.
Let every creature praise His holy name
for ever and ever."

Psalm 145:13-21


Anonymous said...

That is so heart breaking! Praying for them to keep on feeling god's love. Take care.

Leona said...

I'll definitely be praying for Elly and the boys. Such devastating news.

Lena said...

What sad, shocking news! A life that already seemed so hard has become even harder. Let Elly know we are praying for him and his sons. Let us know if we can help with money for her funeral or whatever else he needs, O.K.
Mom Neudorf

Anonymous said...

We are praying for Elly and his boys as well as you guys. May God bring comfort and hope in such a sad situation.


Anonymous said...

hey andrea and trevor just to let u know wer praying for you..i cant even imagine wat your going through but God sees the whole puzzle wen we just see the pieces. the plane crash and violets death must have been so shocking for you...praying for u and keep safe! we love and joe