Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's Here!

We can smell it! Can you smell it? We feel it! Can you feel it?

What is IT, you ask?? It’s the RAIN!! God has sent the rains! For those of you who do not understand why this is so exciting, it is because this beautiful country of Kenya has been in desperate need of rain for so long. Everything is dry. People are starving for lack of food. Fires are breaking out. Kenya is suffering. Last year during the rainy season…it didn’t rain. So the people of Kenya have been praying and praying urgently…and God has answered those prayers! We were driving home from Mitumba today when we saw it start, and left our windows open to feel the wet drops on our arms and faces. The streets were wet and shiny, people had their umbrellas up, it’s almost like there was a rejoicing in the air. The matatus were extra busy today, and every matatu stop seemed to be extra crowded. It was fun to be out and experience it. Another season is starting.

Please pray with us that much more of this blessed rain is on it’s way!!

1 comment:

Loramie said...

Thank you God! I was just talking to Jane and she mentioned too, how badly rain was needed! Praise the Lord!