Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on May 14th! I know to many of you, 4 years of marriage isn’t a lot, and you probably think we’re just babies, just starting out! But for us, it felt like a big thing! 4 years!

As we thought back to our wedding day 4 years ago, we feel like so much has changed. We would not have expected that we would be living in Africa. I don’t think we expected that we would change so much. Because we do feel like we are so different from the Trevor and Andrea that committed their lives to each other on May 14, 2005. We have “grown-up” in a lot of ways. We look at the world differently. We look at our future differently. We love each other so much more. We understand each other so much more. We have gone through difficult days together. And we are better for it.

Who knows what the future has in store for us in these next 4 or 40 years?? We know that God knows, and are excited for what He has planned for our lives. It’s an adventure that we love being on, knowing that we are just along for the ride!

Happy Anniversary Trevor!! I love you!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Happy Anniversary guys!!!! I think that every year is a milestone and it's definately something that needs to be celebrated!!! I know i will celebrate Our 8th year today!Take care, have fun and God Bless!