Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Real Us...

I thought it was time to give you an update on us. Our lives. Our thoughts. Our feelings. Where we are at. Let me warn you though…it’s all a mess in this head of mine! So only continue reading if you’re ready for it! :-)

So. What is going on in the minds and thoughts of Trevor and Andrea?? Good question! I guess the biggest question is…what are we doing when our year here is done…only three months away! We would LOVE to know the answer to this question! (if any of you happen to know the answer, then by all means, let us know! :-) )

There are many days where we miss home. There are many days where we would like nothing better than to go visit family spontaneously, to hang out with our friends, to just be home. Many days!

But, the flipside is, that most days we love it here. Most days we feel so incredibly blessed that God brought us here. That we get to be living this life here in Kenya. Our way of thinking has been so challenged by being here. We look at life differently. We look at ourselves differently. We look at our purpose and passion differently. We have changed.

We would often like to go back to our other “normal” life. But God has “wrecked” our life. He messed it all up. He wrecked our thinking. And then He put it back together again, only better. He had a plan all along, but needed to change us. And He is still changing us, day by day. Change is hard! But necessary and good all at the same time. We feel that we can never be the same again. And that’s hard too.

But is God calling us to come back to Kenya with our changed minds and hearts??…or to stay home and do whatever work He has called us to do there? That is the question of the hour, my friends. Actually, more like the question of the year!

Today Trevor and I were talking about our life. We were talking about what God is doing. About where we see our lives going from here. Trevor LOVES what he does here. He finds such fulfilment in his work and ministry. It isn’t just an ordinary mechanic job. So many days, God gives him a glimpse of the big picture. And that is so rewarding! And I have fallen in love with the kids and youth that I have gotten to know. I love them. I can’t stand the thought of leaving them. We are making some wonderful Kenyan friends here, and hate the thought of saying goodbye and not being able to cultivate these relationships.

We are feeling fulfilled. We are feeling needed.

So. We have been asked to come back. Seriously asked. Formally asked. We need your prayers! We don’t want to base any decision on feelings. Or on how the day goes. Or on the pressure to come back or to stay home. Or on anything superficial. We want to know what God is asking of us. We need your prayers. We need wisdom. There are some really awesome opportunities for Trevor if we do come back to Kenya. We just need to base all our decisions on God and His desire for our lives.

Please, please, would you pray with us?


Marilyn said...

Big Decisions! We are thinking of this area of your lives lots and we will keep on praying that God will give you clear direction in the months ahead.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a tug-of-war! I have so many thoughts running through my head but suffice it to say that I have been and will continue to pray for you in this regard. For peace that passes understanding... Luv you, Gert