Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fingerprints and Fresh Tortillas

We’ve had a lot of technical difficulties with our blogspot these days, a post from the other day is gone, and this is my third attempt to rewrite this one…so guaranteed it will be shorter just because I’m so tired of writing the same thing over and over again!!
Yesterday we had to go downtown to get our work permits finalized. In the process, we had to get fingerprinted, sign a lot of paperwork, and wait a long time! We were so glad that we didn’t have to do it on our own, but had Dominic there (he works for AIM IS, and is in charge of Human Resources) to tell us where to sign, when to wait, where to go, and he also did all the paperwork for us, and knows the whole process! It was a pretty interesting morning though!
Trevor’s work has been going really well at the TAM shop. It’s been pretty busy, and he’s been slowly getting the hang of things, meeting lots of new people, and starting to get to know the customers. Pray for him as he’s trying to get a feel for how to balance the customers expectations, wanting to maintain relationships with them, wanting to build and strengthen the friendships with the other mechanics in the shop, and see the big picture of where the shop is going, and what it’s potential could be, and where God wants this ministry to go. It’s a huge challenge!! He’s also still working on that land rover from the other day…pray for him!! J It’s pretty neat too, every day they break for chai at 10 am and at 3 pm, and they also meet together with everyone at the hangar for devotions and prayer time. He also met up with one of the airplane mechanics there who is possibly going to Kibera this Saturday, and if he goes, has invited us to tag along, and get a feel for possible ministry there! We’re both very excited about this, and so we’ll see what happens!
I’ve been trying to get life figured out here on the home front! Filtering water so that it’s safe for us to use, cleaning veggies and fruit properly by first washing them in filtered water, then soaking them in bleach water for 20 minutes, then rinsing them in filtered water, learning how to use the gas stove (and then making do when there is no gas!), finding out the hard way that milk will only stay good for 2 days, and bread will mold quickly, learning to not leave food out to attract the ants, realizing that boiling/cooking times are not the same as at home because of the high altitude here, figuring out the laundry process….and most of all…learning that everything seems to take longer here, and to just go with it!! Daily living responsibilities just take more time.
We also received a gift yesterday…fresh, homemade tortillas!! Now the reason this was such an excitement is because we love to eat tacos, fajitas, wraps…things like that, and then I found out that you can’t buy tortillas here!! No kidding!! So…Dawn’s house helper makes them, and yesterday Dawn came by with six tortillas…just for us!! We were so excited, and so thankful! I do have a recipe to make them myself, but we’re going to really enjoy these because I’m sure these will be the best ones we’ll have all year! (poor Trevor has to put up with all this new food experimenting!!)
Please continue to pray for us:
-that we would continue to adjust quickly…it’s been more difficult than we thought it would be, and would really value your prayers in this
-for safety…a lot of things seem to happen here, but we also know that God is in control, and He will take care of us.
-for courage…we really need this, and especially for me as I go out on my own, take matatus, and not to let the fear take over my life.
-for direction…for the future, for Trevor in his work, and for me as I seek to find my ministry placement.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement! We could not do this without you, and really can feel you standing behind us.


Anonymous said...

Wow, your life sounds so interesting, not a lot of boring moments!! Hope you get to go to Kiberi, though it sounds like a hard place to be working. Praying God will lead you and also praying for Trevor's work. It doesn't sound easy, but knowing Trevor's personality, he'll do good.
Missing you, Mom

Andrea {kerubo mama} said...

thanks mom! we miss you guys too...hope things are going well :)