Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nairobi, Nairobi!!

What a day! We are so tired after all the walking we did today!! We took a bus downtown with James, and then walked around for a long time so we could see where everything was, and kind of get a handle of how to get around, and which streets are important to remember, and which ones to avoid! We took the bus instead of matatu, first of all so we could try it, and second of all because the matatus are not allowed in the middle of the city. The bus is definitely more comfortable, but it takes much longer because they want to have a full bus, so they wait and stop constantly until they are full!! So as we were walking around, it felt a little like a caravan of white people, and was a little awkward!! But that was okay, because I really want to be able to feel independent and get around as easily as possible, and it was great having James take us and show us the places we'll need to know. We then took a matatu back to the Mayfield, rested for a few minutes, then decided to walk to the Yaya Center. Yaya Center is a mall that's about a 20-30 minute walk from the Mayfield, so we ventured out without James! Wow, so brave :) We hadn't been there before, but were given directions...so off we went! I kind of overestimated my energy and stamina, and felt like I was going to faint before we even got to Yaya...yeah not so smart!! But I survived! We took a different route back to Mayfield, so it's been really good to feel like I'm getting the hang of things a little! As we were walking, all I could think was "God, please give me a miracle insta-tan so I can blend in a little!!" It feels so strange being watched so much...a little disconcerting sometimes, but we're just gonna have to get used to it! I don't think that's going to change any time soon!! Even a bunch of prisoners in black and white stripe jail clothes riding in a big army green police van waved at us!! Yeah...
But it's been a great day. We had another intense language lesson this morning..."Jina langu ni Andrea" means "my name is Andrea"! So there, now you know! We did learn more than that, but I won't let you in on everything!
Thank you all for your prayers and support, and emails and comments! We really appreciate it a lot!!

1 comment:

Loramie said...

Sounds like a stretching day! I'm glad you felt brave enough already to venture out on your own! Hopefully you'll find your way around fast and won't have to depend as heavily on the others. Good night to you!