Sunday, September 21, 2008


Yes, the nickname that has been used for Nairobi has become something that we have experienced first-hand...those sly pickpocketers!!! What a day. We were on a matatu this afternoon, and Trevor and I had to sit in the back of the matatu, separated by a Kenyan man. We were getting off in just a few minutes, and he asked Trevor to switch him seats, presumably because he was not getting off so soon, and Trevor would need to get out before him (or so we thought). Then, he was fumbling with the seatbelt, and asked Trevor to put it on...?? Weird, because nobody wears seatbelts in the matatus, and so Trevor didn't put it on. He kept his bag firmly between himself and Trevor, and was acting strange, but we were getting ready to get off, and were distracted by that. So, we got off the matatu, and this guy got off as well. We were getting ready to walk to our destination, and all of a sudden Trevor realized that all his money was gone! It was 3500 Kenyan shillings, which equals approximately $50. Yeah, it was a little frustrating!! And, all the signs were there, but somehow, if it hasn't happened to you yet, you just don't think of it. We are just so thankful that Trevor had decided to leave his wallet at our house (for the first time!!), and that the thief didn't get any credit cards, or anything like that. And if you put it into perspective, it's just money, and we didn't get hurt in the process. But...still put a bit of a damper on our day, and will make us much more cautious in the future!!
We spent some time at the Masai Market this afternoon, which was really neat! They set up outside at the YaYa Center every Sunday, and it's just rows and rows of stuff you can buy, such as wood carvings, blankets, clothing, jewelery, traditional masai items, masks....and almost anything else "African" that you can think of! Every vendor has his/her own space (it's all laid out on the ground), and they all try and get you to come to their section to buy their stuff. It's pretty cool, and pretty crazy at the same time!! We didn't buy anything today, we just came to look and see what they had, and will go back there another week to barter for what we want. For those of you who are planning on coming to visit, we're definitely taking you there!! You'll love it!
We had planned on going to the AIC Ngong Church this morning, but had a slight misunderstanding with some other people, and completely missed it!! We were waiting, with Chris and Sandy, for another couple to take us, and let us know what time it started, but they didn't realize we were waiting for them, and went to Church without us! So, we just had Church at home, and hope to go to that Church possibly next Sunday. There are so many Churches here, and we plan on trying quite a few of them to find one that we really like.
So, that was our day, in a nutshell!! I am going to be relieved once all this "newness" is over, and we can start feeling like we know what we're doing! But it's okay...we're making it, and know that God is not going to leave us, and that He has already brought us through a lot. God is good...all the time....!!


Loramie said... sure didn't take you long to experience pickpocketing! I'm so glad it was only $50 and not all your ID and credit card!! It sounds like every day is bringing you new adventures! Stay safe and keep looking up!!

Anonymous said...

Finally get to read your blogs!! Pretty sneaky bus buddies. Glad you stayed safe. Was Trevor your pastor this morning?

Andrea {kerubo mama} said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Lor and Mom!!! And, Mom, you're finally online! It feels like it's been a long time since we've heard from you guys! We miss all of you :)