Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our House

Ok, now I know you've already seen this picture...but somehow it
got here it is again :) Our house (or at least half of it is!)!
The back porch of our house.


Bobbi Schlarbaum said...

It looks so pretty! Is it like an apartment building? How's the weather? I just need to get updated on all your posts I guess (our computer was down for a while, and your blog address got erased, so I just now found it again and saved it!) Hope you're having a wonderful week! I love you!

Andrea {kerubo mama} said...

Thanks Bob!!  It's great to hear from you :)  The weather is awesome here...nice and warm, usually a bit of a breeze...i haven't worn a sweater in almost two weeks!!  Our house is a duplex, so half of what you see is ours (it's really big!!).  We're doing well...missing everybody, but still doing well!  I hope you guys are doing well you lots!! :) (by the way, the other day I saw someone who looked exactly like Justin!! I pointed him out to Trevor, and we had to really figure out if it was him or not!! it was weird!!)

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! It must be his African twin! Your pictures all look amazing! I love the outfits and the African trees! It makes me want to go there so badly, but maybe if you're there long enough, I can come visit someday! I hope things are continuing to go well! Love Bobbi

Anonymous said...

P.S. I had to put my comment under "anonymous" because I cannot seem to log in with my password anymore! So annoying!